"Isometric perspective. Otto neurath developed a picture langauge isotype which was an attempt to remove hierachies inherent in the use of written/spoken langauge. used to highlight commonality, rather than differences interested in human happiness and was an idealistic international language. 'picture langauge as a helping langauge into which statements may be put from all the normal languages of the earth'. p67 left to right: cultural shift from words to pictures, david crow. picture lang more immediate then words. Definition 'the isotype signs were mechanical in nature, using silhouettes & preferring isometric projection when illustrating depth. neurath argues that people, children in particular, found true perspective a puzzle that was an obstacle to clear communication. he could not see any educational benefit in the use of perspective in his charts and diagrams, so he removed it in favour of isometric projection - a technique borrowed from mapping. In Isometric projection objects in the foreground appear the same size as to those in the distance' p74 d crow - left to right his picture lang was not an attempt to replace written lang. it has no qualities for the purpose of exchanging views, signs of felings, orders etc. although i think it could have signs/silhouette in design to symbolise feelings (not very deep ones) and it could be used in support of opinions, although i agree, i couldnt have written this in isotype and have acheived such clarity/communication. excellant examples of isotype perspective":
"In a similar vein to the previously posted Life Map by Ritwik Dey it colour codes his subject/interests & locations in
to 5 colours Green, Light Green, Yellow, Orange & Red (top right). These arethen used as a key to his timeline in the middle near the red circle for 'You are here' I think vous etes ici translates to, my french is limited (but you could presume to start there as it is the first, bold red graphic epicentre almost)...".
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