Yesterday I went to see Magnificent Map exhibition in British Library , what intreats me the most on the exhibition was The insider's tourist map. Hand Drawn by Artist Stephen Walter in 2008. Map is a mixture of local and personal informations in words and symbols including the locations of the pubs with good views. In the way this map work similar as modern tourist map pointing out features of interest for the curious.
Later when I was back in University I had my head full of ideas, too many perhaps. I spoke to several tutors and in the end of the day I suppose to make map base on sounds of the chosen by me place. Something like collage of london sound , which would be displayed on the exhibition as a installation. Those sounds would be accompanied with map of those places. Map would be on the floor and spacers with different sound hanging so you can walk true them. As you walk thru you hear different sounds laying on top of each other, creating London voice. I was still not a 100 per cent sure about that.
Then back home I thought that I wouldn't enjoy this project more if I could focus on visuals more , so lets say i would do an illustrated map of london, based on research i made on the protocolar area, I mean photographs , of things I notice. And made map of london life , but I wasn't sure about that ever so I asked Darren for help and we come up with this idea to do map for dyslexic people, because they have trouble with reading a normal map, and they remember ruts to places differently then others. I start doing a little research about that and to be honest I am not really shore how to present this on the map then thinking dipper about the subject I saw mare complications.
So I am home now searching on internet for some amassing ideas, and I find one. I don't know if is amassing but it is some idea.
So, I read this Quote "our perception of space depends as much on what we hear as on what we see."
So at the moment what I am doing is I am using my previous idea in more personal and graphic way. What I am planing to do now is to ask people if they remembering places by sounds, if sounds if so what sounds they remembering on the m journeys. Then I am thinking maybe on my personal journey I could record sounds I hear and illustrate them using very simple abstract patterns( using just different lines for example). Mark my journey on very graphic, simple map , may be black and white, "less is more" , next lay the patterns of the sounds I have herd on my way on this map. May be I could create a little booklet of sounds I have herd during this week on different journeys i had. hmmmm. ......... The other way of doing it is maybe I would record this sounds, play to numbers of people and ask them to drawn this sound in abstract way and maybe say what color is this sound in them eyes. hmmmmm..... so if you receive an survey tonight via your e-,mail pleas be so kind and fill it up for me :)
This morning I thought